更新时间: 2021年04月28日
政府费 Government Fee |
内容解释 Description |
数额 Amount |
签证类 Visas |
学生签证 Study Permit |
首次学生签证和学生签证续签 Initial Study Permit and Extension of Study Permit |
150 |
工作签证 Work Permit |
普通工作签证 Regular Work Permit |
155 |
开放工作签证 Open Work Permit |
255 | |
旅游探亲 Visitor Visa |
首次旅游探亲签证、旅游探亲签证续签和入境签证续签 Initial Visitor Visa and Extension of Visitor Visa and Entry Visa |
100 |
恢复身份 Restoration |
各种签证恢复身份 Any Kind of Visa Restoration |
200 |
移民类 Federal Immigration |
EE系统,省提名,农业工人试点,海洋四省试点,北方小镇试点 EE,PNP,Agri-food pilot,Atlantic immigration pilot,Rural and northern immigration pilot |
主申请人 Principal Applicant Processing fee ($825) and right of permanent residence fee ($500) |
1325 |
配偶、同居者 Applicant Processing fee ($825) and right of permanent residence fee ($500) |
1325 | |
随行子女 Dependent Child |
225 | |
自雇,创投 Self-employed,Start-up Visa |
主申请人 Processing fee ($1575) and right of permanent residence fee ($500) |
2075 |
配偶、同居者 Applicant Processing fee ($825) and right of permanent residence fee ($500) |
1325 | |
随行子女 Dependent Child |
225 | |
家庭团聚 Family Class |
被担保人 Applicant Sponsorship fee ($75), principal applicant processing fee ($475) and right of permanent residence fee ($500) |
1050 |
22岁以下随行子女 Dependent Child under 19 years of age |
150 | |
被担保人的父母或祖父母 Applicant Sponsorship fee ($75), principal applicant processing fee ($475) and right of permanent residence fee ($500) |
1050 | |
安省提名 OINP |
雇主担保 Employer with Job Offer |
带录用信的提名(在大多伦多地区内) Nominees with a Job Offer (within the Greater Toronto Area) |
2000 |
带录用信的提名(在大多伦多地区以外) Nominees with a Job Offer (outside the Greater Toronto Area) |
1500 | |
国际学生 International Student |
1500 | |
人力资本 Human Capital |
硕士毕业生 Master Graduate |
1500 |
博士毕业生 PhD Graduate |
1500 | |
人力资本优先 Human Capital Priorities |
1500 | |
法语技术移民 French Speaking Skilled Worker |
1500 | |
安省技工 Skilled Trades stream |
1500 | |
其他 Other |
公民身份 Citizenship |
成人处理费 Adult Processing Fee |
630 |
儿童处理费 Child Processing Fee |
100 | |
成人公民权 Right of Citizenship Fee for Adult |
100 | |
枫叶卡 PR Card |
更新枫叶卡 Renew PR Card |
50 |
指纹 Biometrics |
指纹 Biometrics |
85 |
劳动力评估 LMIA |
工作签证申请所需劳动力评估 LMIA Application for Work Permit |
1000 |
其他 Other |
移民身份文件补发 Verification of Status or Replacement of an Immigration Document Fee |
30 |
调档 Access to Personal Information Request |
5 |